Day 1: Tuesday October 29, 2024

Opening Keynote // Positioning Mexico as the Investment Destination for Climate-Smart Agri-Food Innovation

Dr. Julio Berdegué, Incoming Secretary of Agriculture & Rural Development, SECRETARIAT OF AGRICULTURE & RURAL DEVELOPMENT

Opening Plenary // Enhancing Resilience and Sustainability in Mexican Agriculture: A Coordinated Approach to Climate Challenges and Global Markets
  • How can Mexico adapt its agricultural practices to enhance resilience, boost domestic production, and meet export market demands? What strategies can be implemented to balance economic growth with environmental stewardship?
  • How effective have policy initiatives and regulatory frameworks in supporting sustainable agriculture, and what opportunities can the new government bring to stakeholders in the agricultural value chain? Where do we need more coordinated efforts between government agencies, research institutions, farmers, and the private sector?
  • With global investment in sustainable food systems on the rise, how can Mexico position itself as a prime destination for international food and agriculture companies to invest in climate-smart food production?

Luis Fernando Haro, General Director, NATIONAL AGRICULTURE COUNCIL

Miguel Angel Curiel, Vice President & General Manager, DRISCOLL’S
Manuel Bravo, President & CEO Mexico, BAYER
Silvia Davila, President LATAM, DANONE

Translating Innovation into Practice: Overcoming Barriers to Technology Adoption
  • How have innovation networks or hubs facilitated collaboration between farmers, researchers and other stakeholders, and what specific outcomes have resulted from these collaborations in terms of resource conservation, yield improvement, and technology adoption?
  • What financial and technical support is needed to support rural producers to transition to sustainable and regenerative practices, and what are the key barriers for different crop types and farm sizes?
  • How effective are government programs aimed at providing financial support and resources to smallholder farmers in supporting Mexican farmers? What improvements are needed to boost productivity, sustainability, and market access, and enhance their reach and impact?
  • How are new technology platforms being leveraged by Mexican farmers to streamline access to capital and markets, and address the unique challenges faced by diverse farming communities across the country?


Patricia Toledo, Head of Sustainability & Corporate Affairs Latin America North, SYNGENTA
Javier Delgado, Former Director General, FOCIR
Mónica Campos, Innovation Ecosystem Head, NESTLÉ
Isabel Rodríguez García, Head of ESG, VERQOR

Networking Coffee Break
Tackling Water Scarcity: Smart Irrigation Solutions and Drought-Resilient Crops
  • What advanced irrigation technologies, such as precision irrigation and smart sensors, are being introduced to combat water scarcity, and how are they being adapted to suit farms of varying sizes, crops, and resources?
  • What are the main technological barriers farmers face in implementing water-efficient solutions, and what strategies are needed to overcome these challenges, including financial resources and technological support?
  • How can technology-driven educational initiatives and training programs be optimised to help farmers adopt and maximise the benefits of climate-smart farming, and what role can digital platforms and mobile applications play in these efforts?
  • What lessons can be learnt from other water stressed regions such as North Africa and the Middle East, regarding water usage, and how can they be applied to Mexican agriculture?
  • What role do advanced seed technologies, such as drought-resistant and climate-resilient crop varieties, play in mitigating the effects of water scarcity in Mexico, and how can their adoption be accelerated amongst small and large-scale farmers?
  • What opportunities exist for international water companies and start-ups to bring their solutions to Mexico and partner with regional companies?

Daniel Block, Partner, MERCY CORPS VENTURES

Ricardo Medina, Senior Vice President, Head of the Americas, NETAFIM
Sebastián Beatrisini, Agricultural Director, CITROFRUT
Servando Valdez Dumas, Agriculture Sr Director Lead – LATAM, PEPSICO

Networking Roundtable Discussions

Elevate your knowledge and engage in meaningful conversations with industry experts. Join focused, interactive discussion groups to deep dive into industry-critical topics most relevant to you and your business. Each roundtable discussion group is hosted by an expert on a specific theme offering you a valuable opportunity to network, brainstorm solutions and discuss ideas with your peers on shared areas of interest.

Networking Lunch Break
Biologicals: Capitalizing on Emerging Opportunities for Bio-Inputs in an Expanding Market
  • How will the potential phase-out of chemical inputs and the focus on high-value produce for export, drive innovation in Mexico’s biological crop protection market?
  • What are the latest advances in biotech that can be applied to Mexican agriculture? What emerging trends in biologicals should be prioritized for research and innovation?
  • What can be done to drive down the prices of bio-inputs? What effect does Mexico’s regulatory landscape have on the development of new biological inputs?
  • What strategies can be deployed to educate Mexican producers on the use of biologicals? What financial and technical assistance is needed to integrate new products into practices and facilitate this transition?

Adrian Percy, Executive Director, N.C. PLANT SCIENCES INITIATIVE

Jagdish Nainwal, Regional Director – LATAM, UPL 
Adriana Luna-Diaz, CEO, TIERRA DE MONTE
Marcos De Romedi, Commercial Director Mexico, YARA

Transitioning to Regenerative Agriculture in Mexico: Corporate and Government Programs Supporting Small Growers to Adopt Climate-Smart Practices
  • How can Mexico scale up the adoption of regenerative agriculture practices across diverse agroecological zones, climatic conditions and different farm sizes?
  • How are large food companies collaborating with supply chain partners to implement regenerative agriculture programs? What lessons have been learned from these schemes that can be applied to other agricultural sectors or regions?
  • What challenges does common land ownership present to the transition to regenerative agriculture? How can it be ensured that farming regeneratively is financially and socially viable for the producer?
  • What investment opportunities does regenerative agriculture present? How can impact investors use their capital to create a positive environmental impact through climate finance schemes?
  • How can it be ensured that regenerative agriculture contributes effectively to soil health improvement, water conservation, biodiversity and greater climate resilience whilst also meeting food security and economic development goals?

Stevie Smyth, Managing Partner, REGENERA VENTURES

Alejandra Vazquez Langle, Vice President Global Sustainability, GRUPO BIMBO
Jelle Van Loon, Associate Director for Sustainable Agrifood Systems & Regional Representative for Latin America, CIMMYT
Luis Rolando López Medina, General Director & Country Head Mexico, OLAM FOOD INGREDIENTS

Networking Coffee Break
Presentation // Leveraging AI in Mexican Agriculture
  • What role does artificial intelligence play in enhancing the efficiency of the agricultural value chain? What solutions does AI bring for reducing water use, detecting pests, predicting weather, and optimizing fertilizer use?
  • What best practices can be shared from successful AI implementation in other countries that could be adapted to Mexico’s unique agricultural challenges?
  • How are AI solutions being co-created between public research agencies and farmers, agronomists and extension agents? How can these efforts be further supported? How can these collaborations serve as a model for other companies looking to leverage AI?

Francisco Corona, CTO México, MICROSOFT

Start-Up Showcase

This session showcases local and international start-ups who have innovative solutions to the core challenges the country’s agricultural sector faces. Companies will pitch their solutions to a panel of judges – followed by Q&A to delve deeper into their products, strategies, and vision for the future.

Investor Judges:
Hector Martinez, Founder, LOOM CAPITAL
Alberto Alonzo, Partner, Sustainable Food LATAM, RESPONSIBILITY INVESTMENTS AG

Pablo Crespo, COO & Co-Founder, AGROW ANALYTICS
Jesús Enrique García Pérez, CEO, SEPOC
Francisco Meré, Founder & CEO, BLOOMS
Luis Lascurain,
Leopoldo Herrera, Director and Co-Founder, NEPTUNUS BIOTECH

Investor Panel // Driving Investment into Mexican AgTech
  • How can agricultural innovation be fostered within Mexico? What lessons from Brazil’s successful agtech sector can be applied to replicate this success in Mexico?
  • How are family offices, venture capital firms, impact funds, corporates, and private equity funds deploying capital in the region? What are the trends in capital allocation?
  • What sectors are currently attracting investor interest in Mexican agtech? What are investors looking for in Mexican agtech start-ups? What gaps exist in the market that need to be filled?
  • What are the main funding challenges start-ups are facing, and how can these be addressed effectively?
  • How should investors, corporates, and public research centers collaborate to support and nurture Mexico’s brightest talent and innovative ideas?

Tomas Peña, Managing Partner, THE YIELD LAB LATAM

Alberto Gómez-Obregón, Managing Partner, CO_CAPITAL
Bernardo Milesy, Managing Partner, GLOCAL LATAM
Ariadne Caballero, Partner, SP VENTURES

Networking Happy Hour

Day 2: Wednesday October 30, 2024

Capitalizing on Nearshoring: Leveraging Alliances Between Mexico and International Partners
  • How can international agri-food and technology companies build and nurture strategic partnerships with Mexican stakeholders to maximize the potential of the agricultural sector?
  • What specific needs and challenges faced by Mexican farmers can international companies address?
  • How are food and beverage brands taking advantage of the nearshoring opportunity in Mexico to streamline their supply chains and reduce operational costs?
  • What strategies can large growers in Mexico employ to align their operations with evolving consumer preferences for environmentally conscious agricultural products and practices?
  • What incentives and support mechanisms does Mexico offer for encouraging research collaborations between academia and industry, and funding opportunities for innovative projects in the agriculture, food and beverage sectors?

Juan Cortina Gallardo, President, NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL COUNCIL
Mariuz Calvet, Chief Sustainability Officer México, SANTANDER

Digitalizing Mexican Agriculture: Digital Tools & Platforms to Improve Farm Management
  • How are data-driven decision-making and precision farming practices, such as drones, sensors and IoT devices being used to optimize resource management and enhance crop yield? Which technologies have had the greatest impact on farm efficiency and productivity?
  • What are the main barriers hindering widespread adoption of precision agriculture practices in Mexico, and how can these barriers be effectively addressed?
  • How are technologies being adapted to meet the needs of smallholder farms? What considerations regarding practicality, affordability, and useability are crucial for successful technology integration in these contexts?
  • How is technology facilitating the integration of smallholder farms into the agricultural value chain, enhancing transparency in pricing and improving market access?

Zak Laffite, President, WONDERFUL CITRUS

Vincent Lagacé, Co-Founder, NUUP
Jesús Alan Elizondo Flores, Director General, FIRA
Iván Iglesias Aguirre, Agrobusiness Director, GRUPO MODELO
Pedro Ronzani, Head of LATAM, EARTHDAILY AGRO

Ensuring the Financial Viability of Mexican Farming Operations: A Vertical-Wide Collaborative Approach
  • What are the underlying reasons for financial instability in Mexican farming despite the country’s advantages as a major produce supplier?
  • How does pricing volatility impact the financial viability of farms, and what factors drive this volatility?
  • What strategies can marketers and buyers use to improve the financial health of Mexican farms? How can deals be structured to support financial stability and encourage reinvestment in farm efficiency?
  • How can the financial community contribute to stabilizing and boosting the efficiency of Mexican farms?
  • How can ensuring the financial stability of Mexican farming contribute to achieving environmentally sustainable agriculture?

Pat McCullough, CEO & Chairperson of the Board, PRODUCEPAY

Randy Riley, President, GOLDEN SUN INSIGHTS

Networking Coffee Break
Financial Inclusion: Unlocking Innovative Finance and Agri-Fintech for Smallholder Farms
  • What innovative agri-fintech solutions are being developed for the Mexican market, and how will they help support rural growers to access credit?
  • What specific solutions exist to mitigate risks in agriculture, such as those related to weather and market volatility, and how do digital platforms enhance capabilities in managing those risks?
  • What lessons can traditional financial institutions learn from agri-fintech platforms to reduce the high interest rates on loans for farmers? What can banks do to reduce the financial risk of lending to smallholder farmers?
  • What collaborations exist between public institutions, traditional finance and fintech to co-create targeted solutions for Mexican farmers?
  • What examples exist of agri-fintech implementations that have supported farmers and the agricultural value chain across Latin America, and how applicable are they to Mexico?

Rachel Resek, VP, US Venture Investments, FONTERRA

Carlos Corominas, Head of Inclusive Impact and Sustainability – LAC Region, VISA
Hugo Garduno Ortega, CEO, VERQOR
Fabricio Pezente, CEO, TRAIVE
Sebastian Molina Gasman, Principal, Latin America, ACCION

Optimizing Controlled Environment Horticulture: Advanced Technologies and Seed Varieties for High Quality, Year-Round Fresh Produce
  • How can advanced technologies be effectively integrated into CEA practices in Mexico to enhance productivity and optimize water use?
  • What are the most effective strategies for managing crop diseases and pests, specifically ToBRFV, within controlled environments? What new technology is being used to mitigate these risks?
  • How are growers trialing new seed varieties and growing systems to increase efficiency and productivity in the market?
  • How is growth in the export market driving CEA to ensure continued high-quality produce year-round? Which segments have seen rapid growth and how is the industry keeping up with demand?
  • What is currently being grown in open field agriculture which would be more cost effective and efficient to be produced in controlled environments? What are the trade-offs with growing indoors?
  • With labor shortages in rural areas and a predominantly urban population, are vertical and container farms the future of urban food consumption in Mexico?
  • What partnerships and collaborations are essential for successful market entry for CEA companies and long-term growth in Mexico? How can relationships with local producers, associations and government bodies be leveraged?


Lauro Rivera Millan, VP of Quality, NATURESWEET
Dr. Noé Velazquez Lopez, Agronomist, Specialist in Agricultural Mechanical Engineering, AUTONOMOUS UNIVERSITY OF CHAPINGO
Rigoberto Guerrero Acero, CEO Mexico, HORTIFRUT
Ryan Lefers, Founder, IYRIS

Networking Lunch Break
Post Harvest Innovations: Enhancing the Quality, Safety and Reliability of High-Value Crops to Drive Global Exports
  • With 37% of food production being lost due to deficiencies in transport and logistical systems in Mexico, what are the latest innovative solutions improving the efficiency of transporting produce?
  • What new technologies are tackling the issues of food contamination, deterioration, and physical damage in the cold chain? How are innovations such as smart sensors, IoT and traceability technologies being used to monitor the quality of produce throughout its journey to consumers?
  • What innovations in biotechnology are helping to maintain the freshness of produce for longer? Where is this technology being applied in Mexico, and what is its importance for the export market?
  • How is data being leveraged to optimize the journey of agricultural produce from farm to fork? How is artificial intelligence being used to forecast supply and demand, and how is this data being used to reduce food waste?

Mariana Jiménez,

Ana Paula Franco, Global Lead of Commercial & Social Impact, JÜSTO
Ryo Baldomero Aranda, Head of Cold Chain and Chemicals, MAERSK
Eric Burgett, CTO, PULSE FOODS

Presentation // Crop Traceability Solutions for Smallholder Producers
  • What impact will the FDA’s Food Traceability Final Rule have on producers in Mexico? How are the larger growers preparing for this new regulation, and how can smallholder farmers be supported to conform to it?
  • What affordable traceability solutions are available to smallholder farms to meet these certification requirements?
  • How can technologies and innovations such as satellite monitoring, blockchain, and geospatial analysis enhance traceability and transparency in crop supply chains?


Fireside Chat // Harnessing Technology to Improve Productivity and Sustainability in Dairy Farming (In Spanish)
  • What are the primary challenges facing Mexico’s dairy industry, and how are farmers responding?
  • What must be done to improve productivity throughout the dairy value chain, in order for Mexico’s dairy industry to be self-sufficient?
  • How do the effects of climate change, such as drought, affect dairy farmers? How can farmers be supported to improve the efficiency of their dairy production to mitigate these effects?
  • What technological advancements have been developed in recent years in the dairy value chain, and how applicable are they to farmers across Mexico?
  • What innovative new financial solutions exist that support smallholder farmers in dairy production?


Neil Peixoto, VP R&D, Quality & Sustainability, GRUPO LALA
Jose Tiburcio, LATAM Small Holders Venture Lead, BAYER CROP SCIENCE
Ricardo Alberto Valdés Quintanilla, President, AMLAC (THE MEXICAN ASSOCIATION OF MILK PRODUCERS)

Closing Panel // Innovation & Investment in Mexico: 2025 & Beyond
  • How can Mexico capitalize on its strategic geographic advantages to drive agri-food investment into the region?
  • What new opportunities will the new Mexican government bring for agri-food investment, and how could the result of the US election effect Mexico’s agriculture industry?
  • What role can impact investors play in directing capital towards environmentally sustainable agriculture in Mexico?
  • What sectors of Mexican agriculture are currently being underfinanced, and how can it be ensured that this changes in the coming year?

Stuart M. Williams, Founder & Chairman, IN PLACE IMPACT

Carlos Eduardo Narvaez, Principal Officer and Head of Agribusiness, IDB INVEST
Adrian Garcia Casarrubias, Head of Mexico Activities, THE KIRCHNER IMPACT FOUNDATION
Ana Laura Fernandez, Director of Impact Investments, FONDO DE FONDOS
Jose Luis Masjuan, Principal Investment Officer – Head of Agribusiness & Forestry Latin America, IFC

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